We Believe You Pod is a podcast that gives space to marginalized survivors of assault, abuse, and harassment. By sharing these stories, we hope that others hear them and know they are not alone. Our podcast will bring you insight to traumatic stories, throw shade when appropriate, and empower the survivor to be heard. Not for the light hearted, but imperative to hear.
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Season 2, Episode 1: Crystal
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
“I felt the darkness of the oppression and the racism that was still lingering on campus.” ~Crystal
Considering the most recent events, we thought we would take this opportunity to give space to a person of color to share their story.
Recorded back in February of 2020, Crystal Davis shares her story about being falsely accused of major crimes that she did not do. She shares how this affected her family, her name, and her entire life. She explains how she was treated upon arrest, how she was set up by white privileged men, and how long she had to fight to get this off her record. Although treated absolutely unfairly and after many years of healing, she still remains a person that can trust and love again. Being victimized in the world can often leave you cynical, but not Crystal. Her ability to still live with compassion is remarkable.
This is just one person’s story. A person of color. ONE story. Please consider taking action and donating to one of the non-profits listed below, or to Crystal herself.
Thank you for listening!
Crystal’s Business Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bloomingfirepdx/?hl=en
Crystal’s Business: https://www.bloomingfirehealing.com/
Crystal’s Non-profit: https://www.dontshootpdx.org/
Crystal’s other Non-Profit: https://sistersoftheroad.org/
Production by Neeraj Srinivasan: https://www.instagram.com/mynipsdontlie/?hl=en
Music by Chris Parkman: https://www.instagram.com/_chrisparkman_/?hl=en
Warning: This is a podcast about trauma, so each episode could contain content that activates any triggers you might have. We will do our best to list them here: #blacklivesmatter #crystalsquared #trauma #arrestedfornoreason #victimized #falseaccusations #abuse #wrongfullyaccused #racialprofiling #unjustarrest #racialinjustice #racialinequality #thisistrauma #blm #therapy #selfhealers #whywerecord #shareyourstory #webelieveyou #wbypod #traumasurvivor #raisemelantedvoices #amplifymelanatedvoices #weareinthistogether #traumahealing #painintopurpose #notyourfault #buildcommunity #vulnerability #growtogether #safespace #healtogether #webelieveyoupod #webelieveyoupodcast #radicalhospitality
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Episode 8: Mandy
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
"I had to go to the middle of nowhere to uncover this truth." - Mandy
Mandy shares her newly discovered childhood trauma that she just found out about last spring. She tells us how she discovered it, how it has affected her thus far, and what she is doing to heal.
She unravels how she started recalling memories she had buried, how the narrative she had told herself was completely untrue, and what she is doing now to heal. Mandy also explains what it was like TO BE BELIEVED. She has found her way to rebirth, and shares how everything in her path has led her to have the tools to face this horrifying trauma. She is a brave, courageous healer.
Mandy's personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mandytigre/?hl=en
Mandy's Business Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bodymechanicspdx/?hl=en
Mandy's Business: http://pilatespdx.com/
Mandy's Non-profit: http://www.joyfulheartfoundation.org/
Link to End the BackLog: http://www.endthebacklog.org/
Crystal's Non-Profit: https://rahabs-sisters.org/
Production by Neeraj Srinivasan: https://www.instagram.com/mynipsdontlie/?hl=en
Music by Chris Parkman: https://www.instagram.com/_chrisparkman_/?hl=en
Warning: This is a podcast about trauma, so each episode could contain content that activates any triggers you might have. We will do our best to list them below:
#molestation #neglect #childabuse #emotionalabuse #psychologicalabuse #abuse #childhoodmolestation #trauma #losingaparent #parentaldeath #violence #trauma #childhoodviolence #therapy #selfhealers #whywerecord #shareyourstory #webelieveyou #wbypod #traumasurvivor #weareinthistogether #traumahealing #traumarecovery #painintopurpose #empowerment #youarenotalone #alltraumamatters #notyourfault #buildcommunity #vulnerability #podcastlife #metoomovement #growtogether #safespace #healtogether #webelieveyoupod #webelieveyoupodcast #radicalhospitality
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Episode 7: Meredith (Version 2)
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Meredith shares her newly discovered trauma at the hands of her father who recently passed away, and how she uncovered her mother's lies on her father's death bed. She talks about how trust issues manifested as she lived in a house of violence growing up. How she didn't feel safe as a child due to an abusive stepdad. She unravels how she started to remember memories she had buried, and how she had so many mentors and women around her encouraging her to seek therapy to find the truth. She also explains what it was like to not be believed as an adult. Meredith found a way to set the proper boundaries for herself and find a way to heal. You can hear her compassion in her voice for others. Even through her trauma, Meredith wears her heart on her sleeve.
Meredith’s Non-profit: https://www.jpkids.org/
Where to buy your t-shirt: https://www.queercovidrelief.com/
IO's Self Evident Project: http://www.selfevidentproject.com/
Self Evident Project Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/selfevidentproject/?hl=en
IO's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iolovesyou/?hl=en
IO's website: https://www.iolovesyou.com/aboutio
Production by Neeraj Srinivasan
Music by Chris Parkman
Warning: This is a podcast about trauma, so each episode could contain content that activates any triggers you might have. We will do our best to list them below:
#molestation #neglect #childabuse #badstepdad #emotionalabuse #psychologicalabuse #abuse #childhoodmolestation #trauma #losingaparent #parentaldeath #violence #trauma #childhoodviolence #therapy #selfhealers #whywerecord #shareyourstory #webelieveyou #wbypod #traumasurvivor #weareinthistogether #traumahealing #traumarecovery #painintopurpose #empowerment #youarenotalone #alltraumamatters #notyourfault #buildcommunity #vulnerability #podcastlife #metoomovement #growtogether #safespace #healtogether #webelieveyoupod #webelieveyoupodcast #radicalhospitality
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Episode 6: Anna
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
"Hurt people hurt people." - Anna
Anna shares her brave story about what it was like to be in the house when her brother attempted suicide as a teen, losing her mother at an early age, and experiencing neglect from her father. She explains how she spent so much of her life "under the radar," and shares what that feeling manifested. Anna's powerful story and her ability to be vulnerable is empowering to listen to. Anna is a reminder to us all that there is self-love and joy on the other side of complex-ptsd, OCD, and eating disorders. Neglect is a form of abuse, and is often not seen with the naked eye. We are grateful that we have this story to share with so many others that have went through the same.
Anna's Non-profit:https://www.pdxqcenter.org/
Crystal's Non-profit: https://rahabs-sisters.org
Production by Neeraj Srinivasan
Music by Chris Parkman
Warning: This is a podcast about trauma, so each episode could contain content that activates any triggers you might have. We will do our best to list them below: #complexptsd #cptsd #eatingdisorder #neglect #empowerment #eatingdisorders #emdr #ocd #childabuse #neglect #emotionalabuse #psychologicalabuse #abuse #selfhealers #magic #healer #whywerecord #shareyourstory #webelieveyou #wbypod #traumasurvivor #weareinthistogether #traumahealing #traumarecovery #painintopurpose #empowerment #youarenotalone #alltraumamatters #notyourfault #buildcommunity #vulnerability #podcastlife #metoomovement #growtogether #safespace #healtogether #webelieveyoupod #webelieveyoupodcast #radicalhospitality
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Episode 5: Dan
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
When you are a kid, you just think whatever happens to you is what happens to everybody so none of my life seemed abnormal." - Comedian Dan Weber
Comedian Dan Weber tells us his very hard to hear story. He bravely shares his experience surviving childhood sexual abuse, what it was like to be bullied by teachers at school, and living in a family without healthy boundaries. Dan describes how he attempted to tell someone about his abuse, and the coping strategies he developed as a result. Even on the other side of his trauma, it continues to impact Dan. However, he has learned tools to help him persevere.
Please write us a review on Apple Podcasts and rate us!
How to find Dan:
Podcasts - What's more Metal Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whats-more-metal/id1305194986
Reading the Bible with Dan - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/reading-the-bible-with-dan/id555635803
Dan Weber Comedy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS2YTsd0KvM
Dan's Non-profit: https://www.tprojects.org/
Crystal's Non-profit: https://rahabs-sisters.org
Production by Neeraj Srinivasan
Music by Chris Parkman
Warning: This is a podcast about trauma, so each episode could contain content that activates any triggers you might have. We will do our best to list them below:
#childabuse #neglect #sexualabuse #molestation #emotionalabuse #psychologicalabuse #assault #abuse #selfhealers #magic #healer #whywerecord #shareyourstory #webelieveyou #wbypod #traumasurvivor #weareinthistogether #traumahealing #traumarecovery #painintopurpose #empowerment #youarenotalone #alltraumamatters #notyourfault #buildcommunity #vulnerability #podcastlife #metoomovement #growtogether #safespace #healtogether #webelieveyoupod #webelieveyoupodcast #radicalhospitality
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Episode 4: Leigh
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
"What you seek is seeking you." - Leigh
Leigh courageously shares her experience growing up with a mother that exposed her to psychological/emotional abuse. She shares what it was like to come to terms with her mother at a later age, and what it's like for someone to have to change their narrative. Leigh shares her journey, and reminds us all how much the body takes on when emotional abuse happens. Leigh is thoughtful, caring, magical, and resilient. She is an advocate of mindful work, and always chooses love over everything.
Leigh's Non-profit: https://www.
Crystal's Non-profit: https://rahabs-
Production by Neeraj Srinivasan
Music by Chris Parkman
Warning: This is a podcast about trauma so each episode could contain content that activates any triggers you might have. We will do our best to list them below:
#childabuse #neglect #emotionalabuse #psychologicalabuse #assault #molestation #abuse #selfhealers #magic #healer #whywerecord #shareyourstory #webelieveyou #wbypod #traumasurvivor #weareinthistogether #traumahealing #traumarecovery #painintopurpose #empowerment #youarenotalone #alltraumamatters #notyourfault #buildcommunity #vulnerability #podcastlife #metoomovement #growtogether #safespace #healtogether #webelieveyoupod #webelieveyoupodcast #radicalhospitality
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Episode 3: AJ
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
"It's just another way to be rendered invisible." - AJ
AJ courageously shares their experience growing up in the midwest under cramped living conditions, and exposes their childhood trauma of neglect, abuse, assault, molestation, harassment, and abandonment. AJ is a brave, caring, hilarious gem of a human being who has an undeniable spark for life in the face of adversity.
We are now on Stitcher, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. Please write reviews on Apple Podcasts and rate us! YOUR NAME WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY ENTERED IN A DRAWING FOR A FREE WBY T-SHIRT! Ends March 28th!
Thank you for listening!
AJ's Non-profit: https://www.oriartgallery.com/
Crystal's Non-profit: https://rahabs-sisters.org
Production by Neeraj Srinivasan
Music by Chris Parkman
Warning: This is a podcast about trauma so each episode could contain content that activates any triggers you might have. We will do our best to list them below:
#childabuse #neglect #assault #molestation #harassment #abandonment #selfhealers #whywerecord #shareyourstory #webelieveyou #wby #traumasurvivor #weareinthistogether #traumahealing #traumarecovery #painintopurpose #empowerment #youarenotalone #alltraumamatters #notyourfault #buildcommunity #vulnerability #podcastlife #metoomovement #growtogether #safespace #healtogether #webelieveyoupod #webelieveyoupodcast #radicalhospitality
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Episode 2: Sophia
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Yesterday has never ended." - Sophia Shalmiyev
Feminist Author Sophia Shalmiyev shares her story of being an immigrant from the Soviet Union in the 1980's. She describes what it was like to come to America, experience assaults, deal with misogyny in her 40's, and being a mother when she did not know her own. You will find yourself wanting to know more about her life's journey, which you can by reading her beautiful poetic memoir, Mother Winter.
We are now on Stitcher, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.
Thank you for listening!
Where to find Sophia:
Crystal's Non-profit: https://rahabs-sisters.org
Sophia's Non-profit: https://girlsrockcamp.org/
Production by Neeraj Srinivasan
Music by Chris Parkman
Warning: This is a podcast about trauma so each episode could contain content that activates any triggers you might have. We will do our best to list them below:
#immigrant #childabuse #physicalabuse #verbalabuse #sexualabuse #neglect #abortion #assault #sexualassault #motherhood #misogyny #feminism #selfhealers #whywerecord #shareyourstory #webelieveyou #wby #traumasurvivor #weareinthistogether #traumahealing #traumarecovery #painintopurpose #empowerment #youarenotalone #alltraumamatters #notyourfault #buildcommunity #vulnerability #podcastlife #metoomovement #growtogether #safespace #healtogether #webelieveyoupod #webelieveyoupodcast #radicalhospitality
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Episode 1: Rachel
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
From YOUR STORY, HER LENS to HER STORY, YOUR LENS. Photographer Rachel Stephens shares her experience and intimate details of being a survivor of domestic violence. She explains where she came from, how she got there, and how she used her pain to create something that has a purpose. Strong, brave, and fierce. Hear her story.
We are now on Stitcher and Spotify, iTunes will be soon. Thank you for listening!
Where to find Rachel:
Crystal's Non-profit: https://rahabs-sisters.org
Rachel's Non-profit: https://www.ocadsv.org/
Production by Neeraj Srinivasan
Music by Chris Parkman
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Episode 0: Introduction
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Welcome to the We Believe You Pod!
We have recorded Episode 0 to provide some background information on the reasons why we are launching this podcast, to explain "radical hospitality," and to preview what to expect in our first season.
Episode 1 will be released this Tuesday March 3rd, 2020, and new episodes are scheduled to air every Tuesday after that. Each episode will feature a human sharing their stories and unique perspective about their trauma, what they learned, how it's affected them, how they've healed, and the wisdom and courage they've demonstrated.
We will use hashtags as content warnings to help minimize the risk of activation from triggers.
We believe by standing witness to each story will help us all build community through connection so that guests and listeners do not feel so alone.
You will be able to listen on Stitcher, iTunes or wherever you get podcasts soon. Please follow us and listen on here until then!
https://www.facebook.com/RahabsSisters/ or
https://twitter.com/webelieveyoupod or
Contact: info@we-believe-you.com
Production by Neeraj Srinivasan
Music by Chris Parkman